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Fxith X Hxpe Pick Their Poison: The Toad from ‘Five Deadly Venoms To Shoot Rap Video with Duo

Long-time Hong Kong martial arts movie fan Fxith AKA Kyle Logan got to meet one of his idols, Shaw Brothers kung fu star Lo Mang. Kyle gifted the ‘Five Deadly Venoms’ star a Fxith X Hxpe hoodie, and discussed classic Hong Kong kung fu movies and an upcoming music video project. “Lo Mang is a bona fide OG in the kung fu culture,” says Hxpe, “and he has this huge following in the hip hop community. It was an honour to meet him, and its going to be awesome to work together!” Lo Mang is no stranger to the rap scene, as he has met such icons as Wu Tang Clan main man RZA. The latter cites ‘Five Deadly Venoms’ as one of his favourite films and has sampled dialogue from it on several tracks. “It would be great to get a skit from Lo Mang on a track, and he’s already agreed to shoot a music video with us!” says Kyle.

It would be great to get a skit from Lo Mang on a track, and he’s already agreed to shoot a music video with us!

- Hxpe
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