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Rock Out For Dopeonesnft with DJ Crystal

Fxithxhxpe took one small step into the crypto zone when they met the movers and shakers of Dopeonesnft in Hong Kong’s Soho district. The guys demoed a couple of tracks with top local MC DJ Crystal, who is already a local hip-hop legend, including their club hit ‘Eurasian’. “We all know that the old ways are done, and digital media is going to be the future,” observed Calvin AKA Fxith. “It’s an honour to share time and ideas with the leaders in that field.” The boys are also talking to DJ Crystal about guesting at one of her shows, so there are fun times ahead for both the real-life Fxithxhxpe and their NFT avatars! (Shout out to the twins’ big bro Ryan for making the connection.)

It’s an honour to share time and ideas with the leaders in that field.

- Fxith
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