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‘Eurasian’ Music Video Shoot

Fxithxhxpe were super stoked to invite ace director Aakarsh Bhatnagar and his crew to their Kwai Fong studio to shoot the first half of their music video for their track ‘Eurasian’. The facility also has a kung fu school in the same space, and Hung Gar teacher Mak Che-kong Sifu came in to guest star in the clip. “It’s always so great to work with pros,” enthused Calvin/Fxith, “and Aakarsh is all that! He and his man Lewis (Arboit) and the team really brought their ‘A’ game, and we appreciate it.” 

It’s always so great to work with pros.


Still to Shoot

Also on hand was the boy’s big brother Ryan, who is also an experienced actor/producer. The plan is to shoot the second part of the ‘Eurasian’ video in Tai O, once the current weather clears.

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Fxithxhxpe preach ‘No H4te’ in video shoot with Ukrainian director Anna Savelyeva!

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