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Fxith&Hxpe blew the roof off the SpaceX club when they played at the Urban Culture Vol. 2 staged by the Bloc Party Group. SpaceX is a relatively new performance space on Wyndham Street, located directly below  Central’s iconic dragon-I nightclub. 

Taking the Stage

This was part of a series of events staged by the Bloc Party crew to promote local Hong Kong-based hip hop artists. The Urban Culture event saw the twins perform crowd pleasers ‘Wait ‘Til I Make It’ and ‘Champion’, which were well received by an audience that included both their established fans and many new ones.

Fxith&Hxpe were then joined on stage by their regular collaborator Kalou to deliver a hyped up live take on ‘Catching Flames’. This was one of Kalou’s last Hong Kong shows before he relocated to study in Sydney, Australia.

The show drew a cross-section of hip-hop fans, with a couple of local label chiefs in the crowd to check out the rising stars in general, and Fxith x Hxpe in particular.

I’m really grateful to share the stage with HK OGs and hot slices from the local rap scene.


After the Show

Also on the bill was local R&B singer Derek Chan, who performed his hit ‘L-O-V-E’, as well as rappers JBO Escobar (‘On My Mind’), Mad Fatty (‘I’m Back’) and BMW (‘One Inhale, One Exhale’).

“I’m really grateful to share the stage with HK OGs and hot slices from the local rap scene,” said Fxith (Calvin Logan), after the show. “Shout out to my homies at Bloc Party for bringing the heat to the city!”

His brother Hxpe (Kyle Logan) agreed. “It’s really dope to be able to deliver some rhymes in these Covid days. Stay strong, Hong Kong!”

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FxithxHxpe laying down a beat with Afroseas!

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